
Free Digital Marketing Tools to Improve a Website Ranking

To increase the Growth of a website you need to optimize your website more user friendly in various types, in order to research various platforms of a website you need spend more time on Website research. Here we have listed Some Digital Marketing tools, These tools are simplify the time consuming task to in order to identify the latest trends on their platforms and the relevant information what you need for a website. 

Site Explorer Tools

    These site explorer tools are used to track the complete information about your website like total inbound and out bound links to your website and total number of linking domains to your domain, Indexing of webpages and keyword rankings and top webpages in major search engines, Errors of a website and many more factors of a website will tracked here 

MOZ Open Site Explorer [https://moz.com/researchtools/ose]
Majestic Site Explorer [https://majestic.com]
Ahrefs Site Explorer [https://ahrefs.com]

Keyword Research Tools

    These tools are used for research the suitable keywords for a website and trending on a major search engine by the search of users. These keyword suggestions are used to get more organic traffic from search engines and to get better keyword position on search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc…

Google Keyword Planner [https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner]
Word Stream’s keyword tool [http://www.wordstream.com/keywords]
Keyword Tool [http://keywordtool.io]

SEO Analysis

    These SEO Analysis tools are used to improve SEO results of a website and Errors of a website related to SEO Friendly website. By using these tools you can easily identify errors in your website and solutions for those errors are also suggest by these tools 

Seo Site Checkup [http://seositecheckup.com]
Lipperhey [https://www.lipperhey.com]
Traffic Travis [http://www.traffictravis.com]

Keyword Density

    These keyword density tools are used to find the density percentage off your keywords on any page of web. Keywords and its phase’s weight is most important to get Top Position in Search engines. 

SEO Book [http://tools.seobook.com/general/keyword-density]
Keyword Analyzer [http://www.keywordanalyzer.org ]

Duplicate Content

    Duplicate content checking tools used to find the copy content from any webpage or to identify the unique articles from web. These tools will find similar duplicate content to Articles or webpage.

Plagiarism Checker [http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker]
Copy scape [http://www.copyscape.com ]
Plag Spotter [http://www.plagspotter.com]

Site Crawl ability

    These tools are help to crawl your website quickly through generating Sitemaps of website by submitting to major search engines like Google, Bing, etc…

Screaming Frog [http://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider]
Sitemap Generator [https://www.xml-sitemaps.com]

    All the above tools are free use tools to find errors of webpages in various platforms of a website. Get Affordable Digital Marketing Services for your website @ www.livws.com

Ecommerce Website Checklist

What is Ecommerce?

Commonly E-Commerce is known as Electronic marketing. It’s a type of business module, which consists buying and selling products and services over electronic system by using internet.

Types of Ecommerce

•    B2B- Business to Business
•    B2C- Business to Customer
•    C2B- Customer to Business
•    C2C- Customer to Customer

Are you selling a products on your website? Before you going live your website, here few things you need to think about your ecommerce website, because ecommerce industry continuously growing up. The web is changing more quickly with emerging of new market trends. Here few most effective tips to increase your sells of your website and the check list to your ecommerce website. 

Web design & Development

Make sure your web site is responsive for all devices and keep it load as quickly as possible to give optimal experience to users.
Check thoroughly all your webpage
•    Home page
•    Landing page
•    Product listing page
•    Individual product page
•    Contact page
•    Terms & Policy page

Functionality of website

•    Page navigations
•    Product Category/ Subcategories
•    Accessibility
•    Compatibility
•    Links / Redirections
•    Performance


•    Meta Tags for all pages
•    Unique Product description
•    Optimized Images
•    Sitemap and Robots Execution
•    Usage of snippets
•    Product Comparison and Reviews


•    Social media integration
•    Social sharing for Products
•    Branding Pages and Blogs Creation


•    Payment Gateways
•    Product check outs
•    Wish list
•    Order conformation
•    Security Certificates

Why you need E-commerce website?

•    Digital market is faster than regular offline market
•    To access the global market
•    To increase visibility of your store
•    Allow customers to anywhere any time
•    Web influences almost half of offline market
Get an affordable ecommerce website for your business on your requirement @ www.livws.com