
What is Responsive Web design? Why you need it?

What Is Responsive Web design?
Responsive Web design is a web development approach that creates optimal viewing experience of a website, across wide range of devices. Responsive websites have one content and one set of source code and media queries, combines all these ingredients and they will work seamlessly on multiple devices.

Where It Works?
    Responsive website will works in any screen resolutions and devices like Desktop, Laptop, Tablets, Smart phones, etc…

Why You Need Responsive Web design?
    Day by day usage of smartphones and tablets continues to grow exponentially. Is your website look and feel is same in different devices. Through responsive web design you will get homogeneous experience across wild range of devices 

How It Works?
    Responsive Web design works on the layouts of each web browser screen resolution. When the browser re-sized, the features schemes and the layout that gracefully breaks down and reinvents itself. The width is set in CSS using percentages for mostly all of the internal container elements from a usability perspective.

Features of Responsive Web design
•    Compatible Across all devices
•    Optimal experience in any device
•    Responsive gird layouts and 

Advantages of Responsive Web design
•    Cost Effective
•    Better Performance
•    Improves SEO
•    Future Proof
•    Wider Browser Support
•    Saves Time and Cost

Differences between Responsive and Non-Responsive Web site

Non Responsive Websites
•    Easy to view on Desktops
•    Easy to view on laptops but load time is high
•    Difficult to view on Tablets
•    Very hard to view in Smart phones and mobiles
Responsive Websites
•    Easy to view on Desktops
•    Easy to view on laptops and  navigation is comfortable
•    Easy to view on tablets and simple navigation
•    Easy to view on Smart phones
Do you Need Responsive Web Design?
    Yes off course! Every web site need to be responsive. If you need Responsive website at affordable price contact us @ www.livws.com or sales@livws.com

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. Really an Informative Article on Responsive Web Design.. Keep posting.. Cheers!
